Thanks to Ed Pinsent for his kind and generous words in Sound Projector 18, Nov. 2009 issue!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
New review
JOE FRAWLEY - EMPEROR OF DAFFODILS (Autoproduzione in Limited edition) GUSTOSO Promettente il nuovo lavoro di Joe Frawley, pianista/compositore del Connecticut, nonché artista del sound collage. I suoi accostamenti a reazione poetica determinano una texture non convenzionale, in cui anche il pianoforte assume un colore «alterato», come nella imminente release Daughters of Industry, o addirittura fuorviante, come nel particolarissimo Narcisse. In nota Agostino De Rosa, segnala come Emperor of Daffodils sia un album dedicato al mito del doppio: lo sguardo voyeristico di Frawley si posa sul femminino allo specchio: la spezzatura del suono pianistico in Narciso sembra allora evocare le (insane?) fratture di Prevert. (Girolamo de Simone, Il Manifesto - Italia)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Clinical Archives release
Daughters of Industy has been re-released on the Clinical Archives net label.
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About Me

- Joe Frawley
- Joe Frawley (b. July 4, 1971) is a composer, pianist and visual artist whose works blur the boundary between music and sound art. By layering and juxtaposing original piano music with processed found sounds, field recordings, and recontextualized speech fragments, the composer creates challenging yet accessible sound assemblages bearing a hypnotic dreamlike quality.