Monday, December 12, 2011

Essay and sound collage for "Autoportret" (nr 3[35]/2011)

A short essay I wrote on the creative process was accepted by the Polish journal "Autoportret" (nr 3[35]/2011) which focuses on architectural space and the senses.  Also included in this issue is a compact disc, for which I created a short sound collage.  The disc also features music by John Luther Adams and Girolamo De Simone.

About Me

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Joe Frawley (b. July 4, 1971) is a composer, pianist and visual artist whose works blur the boundary between music and sound art. By layering and juxtaposing original piano music with processed found sounds, field recordings, and recontextualized speech fragments, the composer creates challenging yet accessible sound assemblages bearing a hypnotic dreamlike quality.
